DN Colleges Group visit to M&T
Last week, we at Makarim & Taira S. had the pleasure of hosting the Doncaster & North Lindsey Colleges Group (DN Colleges Group), a leading education provider from South Yorkshire, Greater Lincolnshire, and the Humber, including Doncaster College and North Lindsey College, as part of their visit to Indonesia organized by BritCham Indonesia.
The group came to our office, observed and learnt about the life of a lawyer. Our Partner Lia Alizia, Senior Associate Budhy Apriastuti Evita, and Associate Tara Nadianti Kasih shared valuable insights about the law firm business by explaining the tasks lawyers undertake, how they perform their responsibilities and the reasons why their work is needed in the legal field.
Additionally, the group learned about the intricacies of doing business in Indonesia, and thereby gained a comprehensive understanding of the legal and regulatory landscape that influences business operations in this country.