Hukumonline In-House Counsel Awards 2023
In 2021, Hukumonline.com, an Indonesian legal information provider, introduced its In-House Counsel Choice Awards to recognize the top legal professionals within companies and highlight outstanding lawyers and law firms. The rankings are determined through surveys involving Indonesian in-house counsels, assessing competence, responsiveness, and suitability.
This year, in Hukumonline's In-House Counsel Choice 2023, Makarim and Taira S. has been recognized as a Recommended Firm. Our Partners, Rahayu Ningsih Hoed, Vincent Ariesta Lie, and Heru Mardijarto, have been named Recommended Lawyers in the same awards.
We would like to extend our gratitude to our fellow Indonesian in-house counsels for their trust and confidence in our firm and Partners. Let's keep moving forward through excellence.