M&T Kejutan Lebaran & Halal bi Halal 2021
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps over hurdles, leaps over fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” ~ Maya Angelou
In her letter earlier this year, our Managing Partner, Lia Alizia highlighted a very important and profound message, that patience, empathy, limitless kindness and love are what we need not only to survive but also to thrive during these difficult times. Appreciating the little things in life and being grateful will allow us to stay positive and be positive for each other. That is how we, as the one big family of Makarim & Taira S. will continue to move forward through excellence.
Ramadhan has always been a special month at Makarim & Taira S. in which we get together to engage in fun activities during Ngabuburit (waiting for the time to break the fast). This year, we engaged in several fun activities virtually in the last week of Ramadhan in ‘Kejutan Lebaran M&T’ or ‘M&T Mubarak Surprise’. There was a daily Kahoot Quiz, ‘Kuis Dadakan’ or ‘Sudden Quiz’, and photo competitions.
This June, we also held a virtual ‘Halal bi Halal’, for which everyone in the firm got together on a Zoom platform to see and greet each other. To this special occasion, the firm also invited a special guest speaker, Dra. Suhati Kurniawati, a Clinical Psychologist, who provided a short workshop on managing stress during WFH. In an interactive session, she gave tips and tricks on how stay positive, healthy, and happy despite the challenging situation.
Like many others, we too miss the social activities and interactions that we had in the office before the pandemic. Therefore, though not exactly the same, we were grateful because these virtual activities enabled us to ‘see’ and interact with each other virtually, in a casual and fun atmosphere. We are looking forward to more such events in the future. May we all remain hopeful and continue to be blessed with love to face any challenges that may arise!