Makarim & Taira S. has advised ESR Group in a strategic partnership with MC Urban Development Indonesia (MCUDI) and the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA)

This partnership is expected to significantly influence the growth of Indonesia's logistics and modern warehouse industry.

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Our Partners have been named among the Top 50 Future Legal Leaders 2023 in Indonesia by the Asia Business Law Journal

The Future Legal Leaders list is the result of extensive research by the editors at the Asia Business Law Journal.

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Our Senior Partner, Rahayu Ningsih Hoed, has been recognized in ALB Southeast Asia’s Top 15 Litigators 2023

Asian Legal Business honors the leading litigators in the highest-impact disputes across Southeast Asia region.

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Mondaq Comparative Guides 2023

The Mondaq Comparative Guides offer a wealth of practical information in Q&A format.

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Makarim & Taira S. Honored for Project Finance Deal

Our firm received the award for Project Finance Deal of the Year for the AMIN Copper Smelter Project.

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