New Regulation on Foreign Construction Representative Offices and Construction Foreign Investment Companies

On 13 June 2019, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (“MPW”) issued Regulation No. 09/PRT/M/2019 on Guidelines on Licensing Services for Foreign Construction Business Entities (“Reg No. 9/2019”), introducing significant changes to the provisions.

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Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation on the Settlement of Disharmony Between Law and Regulations Through Mediation

On 12 February 2019, the Minister of Laws and Human Rights (“MOLHR”) issued Regulation No. 2 of 2019 on The Settlement of Disharmony between Laws and Regulations through Mediation (“MOLHR Reg 2/2019”), which came into effect on 14 February 2019.

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Permanent Business Establishment in Indonesia

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia recently issued Minister of Finance Regulation No. 35/PMK.03/2019 (“Regulation 35/2019”) on The Determination of a Permanent Business Establishment (BUT).

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BANI Legal Status Up in the Air

The Indonesia National Board of Arbitration (BANI), otherwise known as the BANI Arbitration Centre, provides a range of services in relation to arbitration, mediation, binding opinions and other forms of dispute resolution.

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