Talks! Hukumonline “Indonesian Over the Top (OTT) Service Business Regulation”
On Thursday, 28 July 2016, Makarim & Taira S., in cooperation with Hukumonline, held an interactive and interesting discussion on the Indonesian Over the Top (OTT) Service Business Regulation (Regulasi Bisnis Layanan Over the Top (OTT) di Indonesia) The event was moderated by our Partner, Heru Mardijarto and attended by Merza Fachys, the Chairman of the Indonesian Telecommunications Providers Association (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Telekomunikasi Seluruh Indonesia - ATSI). Our Partner, Lia Alizia, was one of the speakers, as was Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin, a commissioner of the Indonesian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia - BRTI) and Even Alex Chandra, a public policy member of the Indonesia e-Commerce Association (iDEA). Some current issues in Indonesia addressed included, among others, regulations related to OTT providers, OTT e-commerce business practices and anticipating cases and disputes over the implementation of the OTT Regulation.