Vincent Ariesta Lie participating as a Panelist in the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment Seminar
On Thursday, 15th of August 2022, our Partner, Vincent Ariesta Lie, received the honor of participating as a panelist in the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment (“JOI”) seminar.
Throughout the event, Vincent shared informative insights regarding updates on the implementation of the Omnibus Law and its effect on foreign investment in Indonesia and updates on the Indonesian regulation on solar power projects and the financing aspect of power project development in Indonesia.
The event was successfully held online and was attended by more than a hundred and fifty participants from various institutions and organizations.
Vincent was assisted by our Senior Associate, Willy Wibowo, and our Associates Anastasia Anggita, Farah Clarissa, and Hana Veranda with formulating the topics.
Thank you to the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment and Atsumi & Sakai for the collaboration, and we look forward to more opportunities to share our legal knowledge and experience in the near future.