Indonesia’s New E-Commerce Regulation Aims to Bolster Small Business

Issue 18, October 2023 | Read our latest advisory to better understand the key points and changes brought about by the new regulation, including licensing requirements for foreign e-commerce operators.

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Enforceability of a Non-Competition Clause in Employment Relations in Indonesia

Issue 17, September 2023 | This article will briefly discuss a variety of perspectives of a non-competition clause and Indonesian courts’ view of its enforcement.

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The Wait is Over: Indonesia’s Carbon Exchange Can Now Open for Business

Issue 16, September 2023 | Indonesia has introduced OJK Regulation No. 14 of 2023 on Carbon Exchange, marking a clear step in the country's carbon trading direction.

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Indonesia Revises Visa Entry Rules in Aim to Stimulate Growth

Issue 15, August 2023 | The Indonesian Government has issued a new immigration regulation that aims to stimulate post-pandemic economic growth.

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Entering the Carbon Trading Era in Indonesia

Issue 14, August 2023 | Read our latest advisory to better understand Indonesia’s evolving regulatory framework on carbon trading.

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